Allied Health Care

What is Allied Health?

The phrase "allied health" is used to refer to a wide range of healthcare practitioners who are not physicians or nurses. In order to give the greatest patient outcomes, allied health professionals frequently collaborate with other members of a multidisciplinary health team in order to prevent, diagnose, and treat a variety of disorders and illnesses

Why do we need Allied Health Assistance?

Allied Health involves occupational therapy of your common activities in a therapeutic way to address physical, mental, developmental, and emotional conditions that affect a patient's capacity to carry out daily duties. Allied Health professionals provide fundamental services that support wellbeing, fight disease obstacles, and provide primary health care to families, and communities.

Who provides Allied Health service?

Allied health professions are controlled through either a national agency or self-regulation.
Allied health care professionals are many; the following are the main ones:

 Physiotherapists: are responsible for the prevention of movement disorders such as back and neck issues and sport-related injuries. Also, they are involved with stroke victims, Parkinson’s patients, infants, and osteoporosis and arthritis patients.

 Occupational therapists: work with those who suffer from a disability that they were born with or have from an injury. They train patients to know how to use specific movements and to adapt to their incapacities in the day-to-day activities

 Speech pathologists: treat those who have issues with listening, eating, or drinking added to those who stutter or have articulation problems. Even patients with motor nurone disease are treated by this Allied Health service. Other professionals such as podiatrists, dietitians, rehabilitation counsellors, and audiologists, are also associated with the Allied Health service.

Who pays for the service?

Some of the services associated with Allied Health care can be claimed on Medicare if it is provided by an eligible allied health practitioner.

When can I start?

Here at Hope Car Ability Services, we facilitate all the Allied Health services, all you need is to contact us, and our recognized accredited practitioners will take it from there!

Hope Care happy to help you